When you think about money what happens in your mind and body? Does your chest tighten and your mind starts playing out all the reasons why you might not have enough?
People living with residual trauma are continually getting ready for the next attack or life-altering event. When someone is preoccupied with a real or imagined threat, the resulting fear, rage, or disappointment will be reflected in the body.1
Psychology Today
Trauma can also impact your relationship with money and how you receive. Trauma has such a severe impact because of the way it affects, and ultimately, rewires the brain. When the brain goes into stress or is stuck in stress…2
Ready for the Good News?
You can release your money trauma and learn how to stop creating on-going trauma around money.
During this three-week interactive series, each 70-minute class will explore your money trauma, your self-created trauma around money (because you have worried and judged yourself), and your ancestral money trauma with three internationally known subject matter experts: Jennifer Bloome, Jennifer Urezzio, and Monique Hunt.
No one is talking about the trauma around money and how it is impacting you. The intention and purpose of this series are to provide you with a clean slate in your relationship with money so you know how to create and receive trauma-free.
Elements of the series:
Week I – Exploring the Trauma
- Understanding the two different types of trauma and learning to release that suffering
Week II – Clean Slate
- Creating a clean slate between you and money
Week III – Ancestral and Karmic Money Trauma
- Understanding and releasing trauma that has been held through generations of your family and within your karma circle
Series details – Classes are:
- Interactive and will be recorded and sent to all participants
- On Mondays, January 11th and 25th, and February 1st at noon PT, 1:00 MT, 2:00 CT, 3:00 ET
- Via Zoom (link and phone number for call-ins will be provided after registration)
- 70-minutes each in duration