1. Focus Your Soul
Often we can be unaware of what we are focusing our intention on. So what do you, deep down in your Soul, what do you intend? Take a deep breathe and allow your mind to focus on your tailbone, then ask Divine Intelligence and your Soul to show you vividly and clearly on what you would like to intend.
2. Focus Your Body
Your body has access to all this Divine Information. Remember, it is your Soul that knows what you want and your body that knows the how. So how can we utilize this Divine Intelligence? I don’t know, but your body does. Take a deep breath and allow your mind to focus on your tailbone and ask your body to show you, your power center for intention.
3. Focus Your Soul and Body
Now, ask your body to fill your body with love, support, and the belief that your intention is reality. Then, focus on your power center and say clearly and loudly what your intention is.
If this topic interests you, please feel free to participate in my complimentary class, Creating Sacred Space, on Thursday, July 15th at 2:00 pm. Click here to participate in the class.
Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.
To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.