How To Understand and Live Your Purpose From The Inside Out

Are you waiting to “Live Your Purpose” until you’re crystal clear on what it is? Are you tired of seeking and ready to start being? If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re living a life that doesn’t seem like yours.

You know there’s something bigger inside of you – but you can’t seem to reach it. If fear, doubt, or confusion are clouding your path to full expression, I have great news for you.

There’s no need to find the perfect “label” for your Purpose – you’re much closer to it than you think. You need the right frameworks and to know where to look.

Understanding your purpose and then living it is a powerful idea. With 15 years of experience supporting individuals to understand, live, and receive from their purpose, I have learned a lot – especially that most people have more clarity than they realize about their purpose.

When You Live From a Place of Power in Your Purpose:

  • You can support others and “make a living” doing so.
  • The nagging feeling inside you that something is missing goes away.
  • You feel fulfilled and on the “right” path.
  • You are confident and don’t doubt your choices.
  • Clients seek you out instead of you “working” to find them.
  • You feel as if every part of your life is in alignment.
  • Your voice and vision are aligned and tangible to others.
  • You don’t have to “sell” your products, yourself, or your ideas because people want what you have.
  • You are finally seeing the path to your greatness and living it.
  • Investing in yourself is easy and you attract others who invest in themselves.
  • Your income and purpose are in alignment with each other.
  • You trust your connection and intuition and have moved away from making decisions based on fear.
Let me be clear, you may have a very successful business and yet still feel as if you aren’t living your full purpose.

To start unlocking your purpose in a bigger way you want to focus on a couple of questions, unlock your voice, and open up your receiving.

Questions for Purpose

I have been asking these two questions for the last 20 years and went from explaining my purpose in a sentence to one word – connection.

  • What do you want everyone to embody (including yourself)?
  • What has been your biggest challenge?

If you keep exploring those two questions you will understand more about why you are here than if you keep asking others about your purpose.

ROAR – Unlocking The Power of Your Voice To Receive

Often when we aren’t using our powerful voices we will play small, feel and receive not enough, and always feel there is more to experience. How do you start to ROAR your message and unlock the power of your voice to receive? The first step is to notice when you are on the D List (devaluing, discounting, denying. The second step is to pause and ask yourself if I knew I was whole and complete what would I say and do here?

Why Are You Falling Short in Receiving?

I have noticed several reasons people fall short of receiving from their unique innovation and their bigger-than-life message.

  • Craving Support Yet Afraid to Receive It: You fear accepting support means they will be indebted, have to change their beliefs, or alter their rebellious innovative style.
  • Fear of Admitting Failure: You are afraid that by receiving help, you must admit they are failing at getting the job done themselves, can’t do it on your own, or aren’t as powerful as you feel inside.
  • Fear of Money: You fear both the arrival of money and the lack of it, sharing the same anxieties as the rest of humanity, which annoys you as you don’t want to be grouped with the masses.

If you need support tapping into your voice or transforming your beliefs around receiving please join us at ROAR in September.

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