
2015, business of soul, community, jennifer urezzio, Uncategorized

The 5 Marketing Ploys That Make This Spiritual Entrepreneur Never, Ever, Ever Want To Work With You Or Buy From You

So I have been in the spiritual transformational world for about ten years now, and before that, I spent over 17 years in marketing and public relations. I was both very good and bad at that job. I was brilliant at understanding the story for a company, and I just told the truth way too


Stop Trying to Tap Into the Mother Lode

Have you ever pushed for The Really Big Idea? You know, the one that will tap into that vein of gold that increases customers and revenue? Or maybe you were looking for The Perfect Way™ to cure the headaches of dealing with your team? Whenever I try really hard to come up with a plan


3 Ways to Stop Giving

Why are you giving? Truly ask yourself this question.  Are you giving to get? Are you giving to make yourself “feel better?” Are you giving because it is your Divine nature? There isn’t a right or wrong answer here. There is an answer that will create a more conscious, sustainable and powerful life. 1. With


3 Ways to Bring Good Cheer

I often want my life to play out like a holiday musical, where people just stop and suddenly burst into song.  What I realized is that it can be like a holiday musical — inside. When I’m in a bad mood…wow, I can really create a lot of drama, confusion and misery (for myself).  When


Moving On Up!

I haven’t written a blog in a couple of weeks. As an action oriented person this quite frankly, annoys me. When I move into compassion for myself, I totally understand. I have been creating huge transformation in my life and supporting the space for others to do that as well…so at the end of the


What Message Are You Sending Out To The Universe?

One of the Pillars of Intimacy (you can read about the others in the October 19th blog entitled, What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection With The Divine?) is consistency. What have you been consistently telling the Universe, your community, your friends, your support teams and (most importantly) yourself? The way to determine this consistent


There is so much power within the Soul Language community…I wanted to share with you members experience and expansions. This guest blog is by Colleen Keenan.  She is a Politician (Axiom of Quest), Sextand (Axiom of Translation) and a Captain (Tone). This is from a letter that she sent out to her fellow coaches. Being

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