
2010, community, FREE, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, supportive

Mission (IM)Possible

A couple of weeks ago, an Observer (Axiom of Quest; Soul Language) asked me what “mission” meant in regards to the Axiom of Quest (the Language that tells you your mission in life). Though I gave her my answer that defines that Language category in Soul Language, her question made me think. What if people

2010, abundant, jennifer urezzio, law of attraction, personal, power, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, spirit, success, support, supportive

3 Ways To Be In Tune With The Infinite

Everything is pulsating with an energy. This feeling of unlimited possibilities has a frequency that you can “tune” into. When you become in tune with this frequency…well, that’s where the magic begins. 1.  What’s The Frequency Kennith*? I have often said: “Well, just tell me how to do it and I will do it!” The frequency of

2009, celebrate, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, self esteem, self help, soul language, supportive

Transition – The Universe Presenting You With A Way Of Expanding

Recently, I was reminded about the portion of Eat, Pray, Love where the author is on the bathroom floor begging, praying, and asking for help.  You can almost see the click in her mind, heart and spirit: she decides to receive. Transition is like that.  At times you are praying, at others you are begging, and

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