
2011, guest blogger, language, soul language, spirit, success, support

The Super Hero Soul & Reconnection with Self – Guest Blogger Mandy Bobolia

Soul Languages: AQ: Pioneer, AT: Huntress, Tone: Conductor “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” ~ Christopher Reeve When I was first asked the question, “If you could be any Super Hero, which one would it be and why?” it was an instantaneous […]

2011, abundant, soul, soul language, success, support

Everyday Soul

This short blog post is about using your Languages in your everyday life to create change.  If your Languages or the Languages of your business haven’t been identified yet, please secure your compliementary 15 minute session by clicking here.  I would also suggest reading some of the testimonials on the site by clicking here… Axiom

2010, abundant, community, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, money, powerful, Relationships, soul language, success, support, warrior

Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior. To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just

2010, abundant, jennifer urezzio, law of attraction, personal, power, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, spirit, success, support, supportive

3 Ways To Be In Tune With The Infinite

Everything is pulsating with an energy. This feeling of unlimited possibilities has a frequency that you can “tune” into. When you become in tune with this frequency…well, that’s where the magic begins. 1.  What’s The Frequency Kennith*? I have often said: “Well, just tell me how to do it and I will do it!” The frequency of

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