jennifer urezzio

caren frost olmsted, jennifer urezzio, john adams, language, law of attraction, soul, spartans, spirit

What my experience in the Revolutionary War taught me!

I learned something new every day about my Soul Languages. When you bring forth into your consciousness your Soul Languages, it opens up a flood of communication between your conscious mind and your Soul. In fact, understanding my Soul Languages impacts every part of my life. Case and point (photo), is the affirmation deck that

fail, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, soul

3 Ways to Fail

Yes, you are reading that right. 3 Ways to Fail.Let’s take a moment and investigate what failure means.To me, and I hope now to you, it means that I didn’t “ask” for enough. If I feel that I have “failed” at something, I have discovered that it just isn’t the desired outcome, so I search

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