jennifer urezzio

2009, celebrate, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, self esteem, self help, soul language, supportive

Transition – The Universe Presenting You With A Way Of Expanding

Recently, I was reminded about the portion of Eat, Pray, Love where the author is on the bathroom floor begging, praying, and asking for help.  You can almost see the click in her mind, heart and spirit: she decides to receive. Transition is like that.  At times you are praying, at others you are begging, and

2009, facebook, FREE, god, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, money, personal, power, psychic, Relationships, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Hey, It’s A Good Thing To Be In Transition

I started this post a while ago but got side tracked by transition.  When I went to sit down and craft my blog posts this week, this one jumped out at me and I started to giggle. Why was I reduced to a laughing fit with tears rolling down my face?  I didn’t remember writing

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