
2015, business of soul, community, jennifer urezzio, Uncategorized

The 5 Marketing Ploys That Make This Spiritual Entrepreneur Never, Ever, Ever Want To Work With You Or Buy From You

So I have been in the spiritual transformational world for about ten years now, and before that, I spent over 17 years in marketing and public relations. I was both very good and bad at that job. I was brilliant at understanding the story for a company, and I just told the truth way too […]

2010, abundant, community, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, money, powerful, Relationships, soul language, success, support, warrior

Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior. To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just

2010, community, FREE, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, supportive

Mission (IM)Possible

A couple of weeks ago, an Observer (Axiom of Quest; Soul Language) asked me what “mission” meant in regards to the Axiom of Quest (the Language that tells you your mission in life). Though I gave her my answer that defines that Language category in Soul Language, her question made me think. What if people

2010, bliss, community, graceful, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, Love, power, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, spirit

What Do You Do When the Universe Sends You a Message?

You often see in movies or read in books the notion that someone is suddenly awakened spiritually. In creating a spiritual live, I have often wished for those moments – that instant that proves that God has been listening to me. It’s the flash to validate that I’m not crazy and it is possible that

2010, community, soul language

Who’s Showing Up In Your Life And Why?

The other day I met with a Soul Language community member and we were discussing synchronicity of relationships. I had just finished telling her about the slew of Politicians* (Soul Language – Axiom of Quest; mission Language) that have been making their way into my life. She seemed to be surrounded by Image Makers** (Soul

2010, blueprint, community, consciously, divine, fear, god, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, power, psychic, Relationships, soul language

Experiencing & Overcoming Feelings of Failure and Self-Worth

One of the informational tools that I’ve picked up along my journey has been hand-analysis. I found it so helpful that I took Baeth Davis’ course and I’m including a hand-analysis in an upcoming in-person course, Soul Success — Loving and Accepting You, on July 31st.  The most important information that I felt hand-analysis provided me with

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