
2017, abundant, celebrate, fail, fear, goals, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, law of attraction, money, powerful, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Identifying with Success

It can be very interesting to observe yourself through the eyes of others. What we may find frustrating in them is what we are really annoyed about in ourselves. So often we are entrenched in our stories of failure. One of the phrases I hear a lot is, “I tried that and it didn’t work.” […]

2010, caren frost olmsted, celebrate, compasion, FREE, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, know, knowledge, language, personal, power, psychic, self esteem, soul language

Is Thank You Big Enough?

We hear a lot about gratitude in the age of enlightenment. Being a rebel, it has taken me some time to determine how I wanted to practice and feel (I mean really feel) gratitude. Recently, I have been overcome (not in a bad way) of feelings of deep and profound gratefulness. As you expand and

abundant, celebrate, community, dream, FREE

3 Ways to Claim Happiness

I have claimed happiness.  I have chosen to feel the sun on my face and a warm glow in my heart.  To make this declaration is an act of courage and grace.  Here’s a secret, though-it isn’t has hard as you think. Stop Basing Your Happiness On Another’s Perception Say you go to a movie

abundant, blueprint, celebrate, consciously, FREE

You Have The Freedom to Choose!

I’m always learning and expanding. That means that I’m participating in classes, workshops and events that I believe will help me to expand and support my success. Recently I participated in Laura West’s Joyful Business Guide™ Business Attraction Call. Laura was discussing infusion words, which is what she calls the words that contain a focused

2009, celebrate, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, self esteem, self help, soul language, supportive

Transition – The Universe Presenting You With A Way Of Expanding

Recently, I was reminded about the portion of Eat, Pray, Love where the author is on the bathroom floor begging, praying, and asking for help.  You can almost see the click in her mind, heart and spirit: she decides to receive. Transition is like that.  At times you are praying, at others you are begging, and

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