2010, abundant, jennifer urezzio, law of attraction, personal, power, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, spirit, success, support, supportive

3 Ways To Be In Tune With The Infinite

Everything is pulsating with an energy. This feeling of unlimited possibilities has a frequency that you can “tune” into. When you become in tune with this frequency…well, that’s where the magic begins. 1.  What’s The Frequency Kennith*? I have often said: “Well, just tell me how to do it and I will do it!” The frequency of […]

2010, community, soul language

Who’s Showing Up In Your Life And Why?

The other day I met with a Soul Language community member and we were discussing synchronicity of relationships. I had just finished telling her about the slew of Politicians* (Soul Language – Axiom of Quest; mission Language) that have been making their way into my life. She seemed to be surrounded by Image Makers** (Soul

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