soul language

Greatness – Are You Headed For It?

I knew I was Headed for Greatness When I was a kid, I always felt that there was something bigger inside of me – I knew I was headed for greatness. I didn’t know what it was or what to do about it.  The thought of telling anyone about this greatness brought up fears of […]

2019, abundant, consciously, FREE, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, money, personal, powerful

Understanding Your Human Resources – To Create A Miracle

Congratulations! You have another new year to create numerous miracles. Well…in reality each new moment is an opportunity to create a miracle, but… There is this old joke: A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They


Sometimes Being In Integrity Sucks

These days there is a great deal of hubbub about being in integrity in the world. And, running in spiritual and coaching circles like I do, there’s also a lot of shade (yeah, I said shade) being thrown around about who’s being in integrity or who isn’t. Honestly, what does that really mean? in·teg·ri·ty 1.

2017, abundant, celebrate, fail, fear, goals, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, law of attraction, money, powerful, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Identifying with Success

It can be very interesting to observe yourself through the eyes of others. What we may find frustrating in them is what we are really annoyed about in ourselves. So often we are entrenched in our stories of failure. One of the phrases I hear a lot is, “I tried that and it didn’t work.”

2017, abundant, passion, soul language

You’ve Forgotten Your Why

Revisiting Our Why to Re-Ignite the Passion of Our Dream About this time last month, I wrote a blog post entitled, “Got Doubts About Your Dream? Build It Anyway.” In that post I talked about the “why” of our dream for Ladybug Junction Farm. I mentioned that “when you have a dream that is REALLY BIG and

2017, fear, FREE, jennifer urezzio, Love

Memories of July

I’m pretty transparent, yet I’m also very private, and it is interesting that you can often read everything on my face and in my voice, but at the same time I think I’m rather good at hiding things. Death isn’t something you can hide from – it always finds you. On July 7th, my father

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