2019, powerful, prayer, soul language

Groundhog Day

The first week of November is my birthday – I turned 50 this year. A couple of weeks prior to my birthday I was feeling as if I was living in the movie, “Groundhog Day”. Get up in the morning, feed the cat, do my sacred practice, eat breakfast, work, watch TV and sleep. I

soul language

Are You There Divine? It’s Me, Jennifer

My 50th birthday is approaching and I have been reflecting on my life. One of the most impactful books for me growing up was, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” by Judy Blume. The story is about a young girl having a very personal experience with God, all the while going through puberty. I

soul language

People Are Afraid Of Greatness

I believe we each have a calling within us for greatness and to create an impact in the world around us. At the same time, we are hearing this call from within, our busy brains are providing us with all the reasons why we can’t be important, abundant, loved and supported. So how do we get

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