soul language

The Art of Transformation

When we are struggling and in pain, these are signs that our Soul is calling out for some radical inner transformation. Struggle shows up in different ways for each of us – is it showing up in your bank account, your relationships, feeling lost or without purpose? And sometimes, when your Soul really wants to […]

soul language

How To Taste The Nectar of Life

One of my favorite parts of stepping into the new year is discovering the animal card that represents the upcoming year. Last year was Wolf – all about strengthening my voice as leader. The Year of the Hummingbird At first blush, Hummingbird is all about joy and living within beautiful environments all while helping others

soul language

Learning To Be Free Of The Matrix

C19 has been good for the Soul… WAIT… WHAT?!?!?!Yes, I’ve said it.  C19 has been good for the Soul.  For those who know me, you have probably just spit out your coffee!!!  But hear me out, ‘cause I think I am on to something. More To Life Than The American Dream Before the world came

soul language

It’s Time to Amplify PASSION and Ditch the Pain

By: Lisa Manyon For decades I’ve played with mission-driven entrepreneurs and business owners to craft magnetic marketing messages and reverse engineer their most powerful solutions into profitable revenue streams. But, before we can get there, some foundational pieces need to be in place.  This is where I encourage my clients to take a deep breath,

2021, guest blogger, knowledge

You Just Be You

I held my first crying newborn at only 11 years old.  He was 2 weeks old and the 3rd child of a family I babysat for, this was long before cell phones and he was inconsolable.  So, I did what any scared 11 year old would do: I picked up the phone (a landline) and

soul language

Legalize Freedom

Toward the end of each year, I pull an animal medicine card. This year’s card is Eagle, which is all about soaring with spirit. There was a line in the definition that threw me – legalize freedom. What Does Legalize Mean? What does it mean to legalize freedom? I turned to the dictionary to see

soul language

Love Me, Love Me Not – Joie Gharrity

I attended a Teal Swan event in Long Beach at the Queen Mary. Every event that I attend I fully go into knowing that I am meant to be there and will walk away with a gem that will serve me personally and professionally. This event was no exception. Teal talked about a concept she

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