
Today You Are One With The Universe

Caren and I have been working on The Keys of Grace affirmation deck for over a year. The last couple of months have been the production phase of the effort and we have gone through several sample decks with the graphic designer. The deck I use on a daily basis is in a beautiful red […]


Great Intuitive, Bad Client?

I know that one of my talents is being able to utilize my intuition for myself and for others. What I have noticed about myself is I can be a bad client! How am I bad? If I’m in resistance, working with me is like playing tug of war. Once the resistance breaks, and I


3 Ways to Master

As you know, a lot has been happening in my life. I have had some knock down, drag out fights with the Divine. There has also been moments of amazing grace. Recently, I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days with my good friend, Erin Saxton. She’s a Mentor (Axiom of Quest), Master

divine, jennifer urezzio, know, language, soul, spirit

Creating Your Relationship with the Divine

In therapy, you usually spend a huge amount of time re-framing your foundation relationship — the relationship between you and your parents. I believe this foundation relationship is not only how you will create your relationships throughout your life but also your relationship with the Divine. Working to re-frame, forgive and re-create this foundation relationship

jennifer urezzio, language, soul, spirit

3 Ways to Strength

We all have different concepts of what courage is. Recently, I was reading a book and there was a discussion between two characters about fear. One character told the other that having no fear just makes you stupid; you are courage and full of strength when you have fear and face it.1. Define StrengthWhat is

facebook, jennifer urezzio, language, soul, spirit

Death, Dad and Facebook

You hear stories about connections being made all time time via Facebook. I truly never thought that it could be utilized by the Universe as a tool of support and knowledge. On July 6th, my father, Raymond Urezzio Jr, died. That news alone would be heartbreaking but we (his kids) didn’t find out until a

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