2009, facebook, FREE, god, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, money, personal, power, psychic, Relationships, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Hey, It’s A Good Thing To Be In Transition

I started this post a while ago but got side tracked by transition.  When I went to sit down and craft my blog posts this week, this one jumped out at me and I started to giggle. Why was I reduced to a laughing fit with tears rolling down my face?  I didn’t remember writing […]


The Soul and Language of Money

A couple of weeks ago I was with my sister-in-law at a fair and we passed a psychic’s booth. The line was around the corner and I smiled to myself. I knew at least one question that each person would ask on that line and no, I wasn’t using my spidey sense. The number one


3 Ways to Release The Past

Recently, I had an experience that reminded me that our past, and how we feel about it, is mainly due to our perceptions. You can utilize your Soul Languages to help you reframe or rewrite your past. This will help you let go of challenges and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving what

jennifer urezzio, language, soul, spirit

Hello, My Name Is…

Whenever I go to a workshop or a networking event and they ask me to fill out that name tag that says, “Hello, My Name is…,” I cringe. By lunchtime that name tag will have moved from my shirt to inside my purse. Why do I dislike the name badge so much? It really doesn’t

intuitive, jennifer urezzio, soul language, spirit

Let Love Open The Door

Often when we have fears about moving on to our next level we try to start controlling the process. Fear and control can shut many doors for us that were beginning to open. This can make us feel unsupported by others, territorial, overwhelmed, or even resentful. Those feelings will start to generate physical manifestations. As

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