abundant, blueprint, celebrate, consciously, FREE

You Have The Freedom to Choose!

I’m always learning and expanding. That means that I’m participating in classes, workshops and events that I believe will help me to expand and support my success. Recently I participated in Laura West’s Joyful Business Guide™ Business Attraction Call. Laura was discussing infusion words, which is what she calls the words that contain a focused […]


There Is No Forumla For Transformation

I see every day that people are increasingly aware of what it means to be more Soulful, to live more in Spirit and to be more heart centered, and yet I have also noticed that people often approach these concepts with their minds instead of their hearts. There is no formula for transformation.  We all


Is Love the Resistance?

Last week I was guided to write on Facebook and Twitter that you are loved and supported in ways that are both seen and unseen.  The response was amazing—words of gratitude and grace for a simple expression of truth. If you turn on the radio you will hear songs about love: songs about losing love,


3 Ways for Holiday Cheer

Every moment of our experience is up to us.  We get to choose our perception of that experience.  I understand that this can be difficult, especially when audio pilot programming kicks in.  This week’s tip and the class on Thursday, is designed to provide you with tools to help you choose an experience that you feel


Wrap Up Holiday Happiness

This is the time of year when everybody is making a list and checking it twice.  Over the next two weeks, aside from running your business, you will be shopping, decorating, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, going to holiday parties, etc.  While going through all of these items on your list, you might be going through several


3 Ways to Be Weightless

No one has a monopoly on pain.  I believe that tool of focusing on gratitude illustrates that fact.  There are certain pains that you have been holding onto since the beginning of your time.  A couple of weeks ago, I set the intention to release pains that are no longer serving me, the advancement of

2009, celebrate, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, self esteem, self help, soul language, supportive

Transition – The Universe Presenting You With A Way Of Expanding

Recently, I was reminded about the portion of Eat, Pray, Love where the author is on the bathroom floor begging, praying, and asking for help.  You can almost see the click in her mind, heart and spirit: she decides to receive. Transition is like that.  At times you are praying, at others you are begging, and

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