2010, abundant, FREE, I AM, knowledge

3 Ways to Create Action

Are you running on empty? At the end of the day are you not sure what you accomplished? Does it feel as if you are doing and doing and not getting what you want? Are you denying the obvious? The obvious that you are choosing an action just for the sake of action. Where is

2010, FREE, intuitive, jennifer urezzio

3 Ways to Connect

The most intimate and profound relationship that you is with yourself. This tip is to help you connect and expand that relationship. Have fun getting to know YOU. 1. There is always more to know Do you have a “know it all” attitude? This could be preventing you from feeling that deeper connection with yourself

2010, abundant, FREE, Uncategorized

Creating Soul Space

March is here!  The buds on the tree outside my office window are already starting to appear.  This time of year is typically when we start to clear out the clutter and give ourselves space to blossom again. You can create space every day and allow yourself the space to live in Soul.  What does


The Rainbow Effect

My Soul Languages are action-oriented.  This means that by nature I’m sort of programmed Soulfully to be about movement.  Occasionally, I can go into hyper-drive. I can get a lot done in an hour, but if I don’t make sure to be mindful the whole time I end up missing the little miracles that are

abundant, celebrate, community, dream, FREE

3 Ways to Claim Happiness

I have claimed happiness.  I have chosen to feel the sun on my face and a warm glow in my heart.  To make this declaration is an act of courage and grace.  Here’s a secret, though-it isn’t has hard as you think. Stop Basing Your Happiness On Another’s Perception Say you go to a movie

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