
Being Your Divine Voice

I have a client who is brilliant, but every time she needs to express her truth of who she is her throat begins to close.  As our work has developed, the beliefs, fears and experiences that used to close her throat are dissipating. The feeling of tightness around the throat area is not uncommon, especially

2010, blueprint, community

Understanding Family Dynamics

Our family dynamics shape so much in our lives.  They shape our definitions of love and self-worth.  They influence our relationship with the Divine.  They set up our fears and our beliefs.  There is every kind of parenting book imaginable out there, from getting your children to sleep to fostering an intuitive child. Several years


Afraid of Losing Someone’s Affection

What are you doing or not doing because you are afraid of losing someone’s affection? This fear can activate some interesting programming. We often interpret how we feel about ourselves through other people’s thoughts and feelings about us. This is how most of us have been taught to be in relationship, but it prevents you


Are You Being Too Much Of A Giver?

I’m going to say something really controversial, so be prepared. My eyes begin to roll when I hear someone talking about how all they want is to be is of service. Why? Because that’s bull____! Stop deceiving yourself. You want to receive. You need to receive. It completes the circle and it let’s others give.

2010, abundant

Stop Doing Manifestation Like A Man

According to Scientific American Mind a man’s brain is different from a woman’s brain.  And yet, it seems like almost every woman I know is creating her affirmations with male energy.  Males do manifestation with a focus on action. It is my suggestion that women begin to create their manifestation affirmations through feminine power, which is the

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