soul language

What Do You Really Need To Have A Flow Of Money?

By Jennifer Bloome What are the steps to having the kind of money flow that you want? Let me ask you two questions first: How many reasons do you have for wanting more money? You’ve hit an income ceiling. Want to build retirement funds. Pay off high-interest credit cards. Feeling guilt and shame about debt […]

soul language

Learn To Live Fearlessly

Grief after losing a loved one can be both heartbreaking and heart-opening. When my husband, David Beynon Pena, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015 until he died in September 2016, we learned to live fearlessly. Somehow, my self-doubt and fear of embarrassment about fulfilling my bucket list items, like speaking on stage and singing

2021, guest blogger, money

The Woo Woo of Money

By Megan Walrod Would you rather be codependent with money or create with money? Funny question, yeah? But you know, I used to be really codependent with money. (Just like I used to be in my other relationships.) I thought my very survival depended on money. I also felt like money had power over me.

2021, guest blogger, intuitive, soul language

Exploring Spirituality

Exploring spirituality is a powerful mechanism for self-awareness, growth and evolution. Opening to spiritual exploration is for some, an ever-present call, for others perhaps a spontaneous awakening, or the result of a life-altering experience. Leveraging the Inspiration Whatever the mechanism, unfolding and leveraging the inspiration, insights, awareness gleaned from spiritual practice happens through anchoring and

soul language

Google Doesn’t Have The Answers – You Do

Warner is painting a lot lately – which means we are YouTube-ing many topics about painting and art. Just recently, we were watching a painter talk about inspiration, and not waiting for it. The most successful painters are the ones that paint even when inspiration doesn’t seem to be calling. I figure it’s like having

soul language

Core Values as the Conduit to Soul

Core values. We hear this term a lot. “Know your core values.” But what does this mean? Why does it matter?  Knowing our core values and living in alignment with them allows us to be centered in our soul. Not in the fickle passions of our heart. Not in the judgemental logic of our head.

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