2012, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, personal, Relationships, soul language, spirit

Stop Trying To Figure Out “The Secret” and Allow Yourself To Experience Feeling Safe

It shouldn’t be a shock to anyone following me or part of my community that I’m “dating.” While I might not share all the exciting details, I’m transparent in how I experience my faith. Well, the dating experience is the big one and is taking all my faith to move through. There are challenges in […]


3 Ways to Stop Giving

Why are you giving? Truly ask yourself this question.  Are you giving to get? Are you giving to make yourself “feel better?” Are you giving because it is your Divine nature? There isn’t a right or wrong answer here. There is an answer that will create a more conscious, sustainable and powerful life. 1. With

2012, guest blogger, power, powerful, soul, success

Fashion Icon Tom Ford Validated This For Us – Guest Blogger Cari Vollmer

Languages: Matriarch, Huntress, Collaborator My new FAVE television show is called Visionaries: Inside The Creative Mind and you can find it on Oprah’s new network OWN. Have you seen it? I recently watched an episode featuring acclaimed fashion designer Tom Ford (that’s him in the photo, cute right?)… I think this man could be the

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