
Axiom of Quest

This is one’s mission during this lifetime.  It’s the “WHY” we are here or a person’s purpose.  This category is a driving force of the individual’s soul this lifetime.

Axiom of Translation

This is how you will be known here and the fuel of your mission. The words that someone uses to describe you will fall into this category. The Axiom of Translation is how your Soul Agenda combines with human expression.


The personality of an individual.  This Language can be the most apparent for individuals to notice.

Language Orientation (LO)

Each Language also falls into one three orientations: Action (A), Still (S)or Action/Still (AS). This describes how the Language first reacts. For example, an Action oriented Language will also desire an action step first while a Still will first go inside or retreat for information.

The Action/Still calcification allows a balance effect to happen. Depending on the makeup of the Languages the Action/Still Language can be more Action or more Still oriented.

Please note that these are the top line definition and are not the full material individuals receive when they have a Soul Language Identification or a Business Soul Language Identification.


Agent  (A)
This individual prefers to go through life with focused action to achieve a specific result.

Alchemist (AS)
This indivdual prefers to go through life combing the elements of life to help create a new situation and/or transformation.  They bring together combinations that assist others and themselves in achieving an outcome of greater value and/or make dreams come true.

Analyst (A)
This indivdual prefers to go through life undestanding the nature of something and determing the relations between its essential features and the rest of the world.

Ancestor (AS)
These individuals prefer to see past, present and future possiblities for others’ lives, as well as their own life.

Ark Builder (S)
These individuals will always see a totally different way of conducting the how of than the rest of the world.

Artisan (A)
These individuals are the craftsmen of society.  They can hone skills to perfection and this allows them to display for others how to develop their own crafts and skills.

Beekeeper (AS)
These individuals are the “keepers” of productivity.

Bodybuilder (AS)
These individuals focus is on the construction of any structure.

Boxer (AS)
These individuals prefer to focus on movement.

Bricklayer (A)
These individuals prefer to go through life understanding how “patterns” are laid out and understandnig how those patterns can be rearranged or reapplied for a better existence.

Capitalist (A)
These individuals are skilled at making use of any form of prosperity (abundance of any kind) to produce more prosperity

Captain (A)
These individuals prefer to be the head of an influential group, i.e. in charge.  As the superintendent of this group, they are the acting force of authority to ensure that the policies and regulations are enforced.

Carter (A)
These individuals have a single message that they relay to themselves and other human beings. Every fiber of their being is encoded with this message.

Chieftain (A)
These individuals are leaders of groups of people that share a common awareness, principle or belief. This group or series of groups might appear small and yet they can have a huge impact.  Chieftains are individuals that other people easily place their trust in to lead a group in a particular focus or to completion.

Closer (AS)
These individuals prefer to go through life guiding situations to completion.

Collaborator (AS)
These individuals prefer to associate with others in an endeavor, activity or common sphere of interest in order to bring forth a new or improved idea, thought, product, belief, relationship, solution, strategy, etc.

Conductor (AS)
These individuals are leaders, guides and/or managers by nature; you are a born leader. They prefer to utilize Divine energy to guide situations for the highest interest of all.

Connoisseur (A)
These individuals have an innate knowing (all the time) of what is going to be accepted or resonate for themselves and others.

Deliberator (AS)
These individuals are slow and steady. They will move in action after all of the pros and cons are weighed and they believe a balance has been met.

Developer (A)
These individuals are investors.  They invest in growth or advancement.

Dionysian (AS)
These individuals are all about movement and energy through experiences.

Diplomat (AS)
These individuals prefer to generate new agreements through creating  relationships of love for themselves and others.

Disillusionist (AS)
These individuals have the ability to break down the illusions of themselves and others.

Driver (A)
These individuals convey force and motion.  They are the ones that can guide the movement of any situation.

Enchanter/Enchantress (S)
These individuals have the ability to use form, energy and language to delight, influence, charm, inspire and bewitch.

Escalator (AS)
These individuals prefer expansion at a steady and sustainable pace.

Evolver (AS)
These individuals prefer movement, transition and evolution. They understand that everything has a meaning and that steps are necessary for development.

Firemaker (AS)
These individuals provide details that seem small at first and yet have a profound effect on evolution. In a sense, they create a spark that ignites a fire.

Graceful Warrior (A)
These individuals prefer action. They have the ability to wield the sword with compassion and strength.

Guardian (AS)
These individuals  are committed to the protection, security and/or preservation of others who are in charge of guarding and protecting others.

Heartfelt Artist (AS)
These individuals prefer to create art with intuition, feeling and emotion.

Industrialist (AS)
These individuals prefer to focus not on what can be done with human hands but rather what can be done by letting go and working with the electronics of the brain.

Intellect (AS)
These individuals rely on the power of the mind to understand themselves, the surroundings and others.

Investigator (AS)
These individuals search diligently into a subject. They search out and examine life by close inspection in an attempt to understand the mystery of things.

Librarian (S)
These individuals prefer to file and reference information.

Mortar Maker (S)
These individuals provide the substance that fills the gaps and binds situations together.

Olympian (AS)
These individuals prefer to bring together individuals from all different walks of life for a common purpose, action, idea or thought or creation.

Outsider (AS)
These individuals  have the ability to be unconnected or “outside” certain situations which gives them the ability to illustrate for themselves and for others where boundaries and change can happen.

Passage Inventor (AS)
These individuals can create routes and corridors where no direction or path seems to be obvious.

Philosopher (S)
These individuals regulate their lives according to questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic and other topics.

Pilot (AS)
These individuals guide others in a course of action.

Producer/Provider (AS)
These individuals are about the uses of creative energy.

Purist (S)
These individuals support precision and truth.

Raven (S)
These individuals prefer the magic and miracles of rebirth, creation and magic.

Realist (S)
These individuals view or represent situations as they are in this timeframe.

Ringmaster (A)
These individuals are always in the center and keep others on course.

Sentinel (AS)
These individuals are the watchers and protectors.

Shepherd (S)
These individuals guide and lead by example.

Soothsayer (S)
These individuals have the ability to see and speak the truth.

Sovereign (A)
These individuals have an innate understanding that within them holds a great power.

Speaker of God (S)
These individuals infuse a spiritual imprint into their daily speech and life.

Sprinter (AS)
These individuals have the ability to move rapidly from one thing to the next.

Stabilizer (S)
These individuals provide stabilization for many circumstances and people.

Synergist (AS)
These individuals have an innate knowing of how events, people, situations are meaningfully related.

Weaver (S)
These individuals bring together ideas that complement each other.

Axiom of Quest

Ambassador (S)
This individual’s mission is to be a bridge of love and understanding and illustrate benevolent cooperation for yourself and others.

Arranger (A)
This individual’s mission is to put “things” in their proper order for the benefit of all.

Avatar (AS)
This individual’s mission is about being a living embodiment of a faith or principal.

Bridgewalker (A)
This individual’s mission is to create or form bridges (spiritual, mental, material or emotional) of support.

Caretaker (A)
This individual’s mission is to be the custodian or in charge of a belief, theory, person or object (s).

Counselor (S)
This individual’s mission is as an adviser.  They provide specific counsel, which serves a deliberate purpose, strategy or design.

Elemental (S)
This individual’s mission is to feel, see and explain the connection with nature.

Equalizer (AS)
This individual’s mission is about creating a balanced formula within for sustainability. They are all about restoring equilibrium for the planet and within them.

Genius (S)
This individual’s mission is to usher into a new way of existence that will influence the conduct or change history, events, the way human kind thinks.

Gladiator (AS)
This individual’s mission is to be the champion of a single cause, concept or/and belief.

Matriarch/Patriarch (AS)
This individual’s mission is to be the leader or ruler of a clan or a community.

Mentor (AS)
This individual’s mission is about guiding, tutoring and providing counsel to themselves and other individuals on this planet.

Negotiator (AS)
This individual’s mission is all about making a deal. A Negotiator’s innate understanding is that compromises can be made to achieve a new agreement.

Observer (S)
This individual’s mission is about observing, concentrating, studying, viewing and learning.

Peacemaker (S)
This individual’s mission is to maintain peace for themselves, while offering peace to individuals and the planet.

Pioneer (A)
This individual’s mission is to be the first to open new roads.  These individuals prepare the way for others and to pave the way, create the roads for others to follow in the advancement of this planet.

Politician (AS)
This individual’s mission is to be involved and influence the way humans feel, govern, think and express about themselves.

Prophet (AS)
This individual’s mission is about generating change for the planet, the world and the Universe by delivering and distributing a message(s) of Divine inspiration.

Significator (A)
This individual’s mission is to guide people in understanding and point them on the path of that individual’s mission.

Axiom of Translation

Apprentice (AS)
These individuals will be known here for how they observe and translate what they learn into tangible skills or creations.

Catalyst (A)
These individuals will be known here as an agent of change.

Constable (AS)
These individuals will be known here as an individual who has been given the power to help themselves and others maintain peace.

Creator (AS)
These individuals will be known here for their ability to breathe into existence something that has never been in existence before.

Emerald (AS)
These individuals will be known here for their many sides, their versatility and their multi-faceted nature.

Gardener (AS)
These individuals will be known here as an individual, as a “master planter and cultivator.”  You listen, provide and nourish anything and everything to grow.   You can help others to break up the soil of their lives so new “things” can take root and grow.

Goddess (S)
These individuals will be known here for their feminine concepts, ideas, principles, attributes and energy.

Heart Conscious (S)
These individuals will be known here as one who experiences the world through the heart and its expression – love.

Herald (AS)
These individuals will be known here as a forerunner.  They are the one that brings news, information, announcements to indicate or signal a coming or to usher in a change.

Hero (A)
These individuals will be known here for their innate ability to complete a task that might seem overwhelming and inconceivable to others.

Huntress/The Hunter (A)
These individuals will be known here for how they engage, explore, track a pursuit (quest) and secure what they are seeking.

Image maker (A)
These individuals will be known to have the ability to picture something mentally and Soulfully and then describe, create and evoke that mental and Soulful picture into reality.

Lawmaker (A)
These individuals will be known here for creating guidelines and instituting laws. They have the ability to understand human nature and create principles that will protect and allow us to evolve.

Master (AS)
These individuals will be known as the “big Idea” person. They are capable of creating grand masterpieces.

Messenger (AS)
These individuals will have a number of skills that they will be known here for: ingenuity, resourcefulness and speed.

Monk (S)
These individuals will be known here for their devotion to living according to a particular rule, principle or ideal.

Motivator (AS)
These individuals will be known here as an incentive giver.

Nurturer (AS)
These individuals will be known on earth as a person who provides and sustains others.

Partner (AS)
These individuals will be known as a sharer.

Pleasure Seeker (A)
These individuals will be known here for their motivation for the desire of enjoyment.

Problem Solver (AS)
These individuals will be known here as someone who can “see” the solutions in the complex.

Purveyor (A)
These individuals will be known here for their ability to secure and provide.

Rainmaker (A)
These individuals will be known here for their exceptional ability to attract what they desire simply by stating it.

Sextant (AS)
These individuals have an innate ability and understanding to explain exactly where they and others are on the journey.

Sitting Buddha (S)
These individuals will be known here as pure stillness.

Strategist (A)
These individuals will be known here for creating methods for obtaining a specific goal or result.

Sun (AS)
These individuals will be known here as an individual who is rising to enlightenment.

Teacher (AS)
These individuals will be known as the giver of knowledge.

Teacher of Integrity (A)
These individuals will be known here on earth as honest and the holder of strict codes.

Transformer (AS)
These individuals will be known here on how they convert or alter themselves and others.

Troubadour (AS)
These individuals will be known for how they sing the praises and stories of themselves and others.

Wanderer (AS)
These individuals will be known as the great traveler.

Weight carrier (S)
These individuals will be known here to have the capacity to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders without feeling the burden of the load.

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