3 Ways to Be Motivated

It’s spring (but felt more like summer) this week on the East coast and everything in my life is growing. Now, it’s about keeping motivated. I am tapping into the Axiom of Translation of the Motivator for this week’s tip. These individuals will be known here as incentive givers

Whether you are starting a new project or setting your intentions on transformation, it is important to be and stay motivated.

1. Be An Apple – Stop trying to be an orange when you are a beautiful apple. In other words, don’t compare yourself to others. When you find yourself comparing yourself to others, STOP and list all of the reasons why you are amazing.

2. Send Yourself a Letter – At the start of a project or a new level of your transformational process, write yourself a letter and mail it to yourself. Include in your letter inspirational quotes, a power statement, or something that will make you laugh.

3. Pick Up The Phone – If you are feeling stuck or in limbo, pick up the phone. Often a supportive friend or colleague can say something that will instantly get you moving.

If you are interested in understanding how to improve your life by understanding your Soul Languages, contact us.

Make the commitment to consciously create what you desire in life.
Learn more about Know Soul’s Language at www.knowsoulslanguage.net.